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efani – A Comprehensive Guide on Silent SMS Denial of Service (DoS) Attack
When delivered to a mobile handset, silent messages, also known as Silent SMS or Stealth SMS “stealth ping”, or “Short Message Type 0”, are not indicated on the display or by an acoustic alert signal. This guide will concentrate on the technicalities of sending a silent SMS, as well as sending multiple incessant silent SMSs […]
Prevent Eavesdropping Remote Access Location Tracking Private Phone
Recently, T-Mobile & Robinhood customers, over 60 million combined, became victims of a data breach. These customers are now potentially at risk of identity theft and fraud for many years to come. What Is SIM Hacking? SIM hacking is when a person gets their hands on a new SIM card that’s tied to you. Here’s […]
efani Crypto SIM Swap Scam Hack Protect Your iPhone Samsung
Scammers are Hacking your iPhone and Samsung phone and stealing your Bitcoin, Crypto, bank account, and all your money. What are you doing to stop them? The holidays are here and hackers and scammers want your hard-earned money. Your cellphone could provide a gateway for cybercriminals to access all your financial and social media accounts. […]
DNA testing Firm Data Breach 2.1 million at Risk – efani SAFE?
Ohio-based DNA testing company DNA Diagnostics Center (DDC) this week disclosed a data breach affecting 2.1 million people. In a data breach notice posted on its website, DDC said it detected unauthorized access to its network on August 6. An investigation has determined that the attackers had accessed an archived database containing personal information collected […]
What is SIM Swapping Scam?
I want the Most Secure Mobile Service. T-Mobile was recently attacked by a hacker and 50+ Million Customers were exposed. My friends and I use companies like unsecured T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon can we switch to the most secured network today? efani SAFE Plan is Private Secured & Insured. It is the Most Secure Mobile […]
Hackers plant Malware on Website sells Baron & Duke Titles
Hacked installed malware detected on a website selling nobility titles The Principality of Sealand is a small island nation in the North Sea and its government maintains and sells nobility titles such as ‘duke’, ‘duchess’ and ‘count’ on its website as a source of revenue for the nation. Hackers have taken control of the […]
Protect Your Phone from Hackers Secure Your Data
Cell Phone Security Tips Samsung & iPhone Mobile Phones
I want the Most Secure Mobile Service. T-Mobile was recently attacked by a hacker and 50+ Million Customers were exposed. My friends and I use companies like unsecured T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon can we switch to the most secured network today? efani SAFE Plan is Private Secured & Insured. It is the Most Secure Mobile […]