efani | GoDaddy NYSE: GDDY Breach Leaks 1.2 Million WordPress Customers Data

Web hosting company GoDaddy Inc (GDDY.N) said on Monday email addresses of up to 1.2 million active and inactive Managed WordPress customers had been exposed to unauthorized third-party access. The company said the incident was discovered on Nov. 17 and the third party accessed the system using a compromised password. “We identified suspicious activity in […]

efani | How to Protect Yourself From SIM-Swapping Attacks

You think you’re making all the right moves. You’re smart with your security. You have two-factor authentication enabled on all your accounts. But hackers have a way to bypass that: SIM swapping. It’s a devastating method of attack with dire consequences for those who fall victim to it. Fortunately, there are ways to protect yourself. […]

efani 6 million Sky Routers Eexposed to Attacks for 17 Months

Around six million Sky Broadband customer routers in the UK were affected by a critical vulnerability that took over 17 months to roll out a fix to customers. The disclosed vulnerability is a DNS rebinding flaw that threat actors could easily exploit if the user had not changed the default admin password, or a threat […]

efani | $700k – 159.8 ETHEREUM Tokens Stolen by SIM Swap Scammers

AT&T Sued After SIM Swapping Attack Causes Customer’s $700k Cryptocurrency Loss September 10th, 2020 was a day a Texas resident suffered what is known as a SIM Swap hack. A suit was filed against mobile carrier AT&T for violations of state law on September 5th, 2020. The complaint accuses AT&T Inc. of failing to safeguard […]

efani US Regulators Order Banks Report Cyberattacks in 36 hours

US federal bank regulatory agencies have approved a new rule ordering banks to notify their primary federal regulators of significant computer-security incidents within 36 hours. Banks are only required to report major cyberattacks if they have or will likely impact their operations, the ability to deliver banking products and services, or the US financial sector’s […]

efani T-Mobile Proposed Privacy Class Action Paused by Federal Judge

Cases on ice until Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation rules · Telecom giant accused of negligence after suffering a data breach. Two proposed privacy class actions against T-Mobile US Inc. were put on ice after a Washington federal judge found that pausing those cases would conserve judicial and party resources. The cases have been stayed […]

Canadian Teen Arrested for SIM Swap That Looted $36 Million | efani SAFE?

Canadian police say the incident is ‘currently the biggest cryptocurrency theft reported from one person. Police in Canada arrested a local teenager for stealing US$36 million in cryptocurrency from a single victim through a SIM-swapping attack. On Tuesday, the Hamilton Police Service in Ontario reported it had arrested the unnamed “youth” following a joint investigation […]

MNG Kargo Hacked: User Information Stolen | efani SAFE?

MNG Cargo, which has a wide transportation network in our country, announced that some of its corporate customers were attacked by cyber attacks as a result of their user names and passwords being seized. Notifying the Personal Data Protection Authority, the company announced that the names, surnames, addresses, and phone numbers of the cargo recipients […]

efani.net News | 500,000 Utahns’ sensitive information possibly hacked

More than 500,000 Utahns’ sensitive information was possibly hacked More than 500,000 Utahns may have had their information hacked through a data breach reported to the federal government. Utah Imaging Associates, Inc. (UIA), a Farmington-based radiology medical practice, learned that a hacker gained access to sensitive personal information of former and current patients. A hacker […]

Twitter NASDAQ: (TWTR) CEO Jack Dorsey targeted by SIM swap | efani

How Twitter attacks probably happened One day in 2019, Jack Dorsey started sending out a string of bizarre tweets. Jack’s followers knew his account had been compromised. What was less obvious to more than 4 million followers was how attackers took control of the Twitter CEO’s account for almost 20 minutes. Twitter reported hackers had […]